🇨🇷 Costa Rica - San Carlos 12.24.23

a brief 168 hour layover on my way back to Taos from Ecuador.

I‘m just past the 2 year mark of trading in my house, most of my things and a deep rooted life in Denver (my home of 54 years)… for a different existence. This existence… sitting in an airport, in Central America, on Christmas Day, patiently waiting for the universe to open up the next door.

I have not had even a fraction of a moment of regret since I’ve sold my house. The miles, the places and people… rich experiences like I had imagined but I could have never of foretold those many, and many more surreal moments. Boredom is light… and loneliness is rare… and even with the solitude of a nomadic system… companionship is easy to find, if you open yourself up to it. What is horribly difficult - is leaving those companions and connections behind. Aloha is a sweet thought… but the ‘goodbye’ half of that can be an unpleasant burn.

There’s always irony in the path of life… there’s no fighting it… and there’s no hiding from it… and when you feel like you have a profound understanding… it then appears to be some grand cosmic joke. Maybe it is… or maybe… we need the heart to feel the pain and emptiness… to make it so very sweet when the heart is full and on fire. And sometimes… both… at the same time… like today… for me.




This concludes a month of seasonal living in Ecuador and decompression in Costa Rica… read all about it in my previous post that I haven’t yet posted. Yup… and that’s how the cosmic joke works… it’s there… but only when the time is right.



🇺🇸 NYE 2024 - Truth or Consequences to Silver City, NM


🇪🇨 Itchimbia Parque/Quito - 11.27.23